Press review 2012
Newspapers & Blogs
Anon. Central to evaluating researchers, publication citations reflect gender bias, barrier to women. Indiana University Newsroom, décembre 2012. Vincent Larivière
Davis, P. Is the Relationship Between Journal Impact Factors and Article Citations Growing Weaker?. The Scholarly Kitchen, November 13 2012. Vincent Larivière
Cliche, J.F. L’influence des grandes revues s’étiole. Sciences dessus dessous, November 12 2012. Vincent Larivière
Twadell, I. High impact factor scientific journals are becoming less influential. Bang!. Oxford’s Graphically Gorgeous Science Magazine, November 12 2012. Vincent Larivière
Einfluss der großen Wissenschaftsmagazine sinkt. Der Spiegel, November 12 2012. Vincent Larivière
Загорская, Дарья. Интернет перераспределил роли в мире научной литературы. Rossiya 24, November 9 2012. Vincent Larivière
Cossins, D. Less Influence for High-Impact Journals. The Scientist, November 9 2012. Vincent Larivière
Basken, P. . Top-Ranked Journals Are Losing Their Share of Top-Cited Articles. Chronicle of Higher Education, November 8 2012. Vincent Larivière
Nancy, D. L’influence des Nature, Science et JAMA décline. Forum, volume 47, numéro 10, pp.1-2, November 5 2012. Vincent Larivière
Meyer, R. Thanks to the Web, Even Scientists Are Reading for the Articles. The Atlantic, July 9 2012. Vincent Larivière
Martine Desjardins . Langue française – Soutenir la recherche francophone. Le Devoir, July 4 2012. Vincent Larivière
Lambert-Chan, M. La publication savante en crise. Forum, volume 46, numéro 32, pp.10-11, June 3 2012. Vincent Larivière
Day, C. . The impact factor’s declining impact., May 22 2012. Vincent Larivière
Fischman, J. Exploding the Myth of the Aging, Unproductive Professor. Chronicle of Higher Education, March 18 2012. Vincent Larivière
Frasca, G. Je te cite, tu me cites…. La science infuse, Mars 2012.