Newspapers & Blogs 2009
Иван Стерлигов. Все возрасты полезны науке по-разному (All ages are useful to science in different ways). Наука и технологии России, (Science and Technology of Russia), November 18 2009. Vincent Larivière
Ball, Philip. Column: The Crucible. Chemistry World, 6(10), Octobre 2009. Vincent Larivière
Davis, Philip M. Naughty Twins and the Impact of Journals. The Scholarly Kitchen, August 26 2009. Vincent Larivière
Basken, Paul. Publication in High-Impact Journals Is Found to Reinforce Advantage. Chronicle of Higher Education, August 26 2009. Vincent Larivière
Johnston, H. Are physicists a bunch of self-plagiarizers?.,, July 1 2009. Vincent Larivière
Efficiency and scholarly information practices. HangingTogether, March 31 2009. Vincent Larivière
Fine, Philip. CANADA: Academics just as productive at 70. University World News, March 1 2009. Vincent Larivière
Gauvreau, Claude. La recherche s’internationalise. L’UQAM, Vol. XXXV, No. 9, p. 9, January 12 2009. Vincent Larivière
Is e-publishing affecting science?. Research Trends, Issue 9, Janvier 2009.