Newspapers & Blogs 2010
des Rivières,Paule. Chercheuses universitaires sur un chemin escarpé. Gazette des femmes, Novembre-Décembre 2010. Vincent Larivière
Howard, Jennifer . Is There an Open-Access Citation Advantage?. The Chronicle of Higher Education, Wired Campus,, October 19 2010. Vincent Larivière
Public Library of Science . New Evidence of the Power of Open Access. Science Daily, October 18 2010. Vincent Larivière
El acceso abierto a las publicaciones científicas mejora su impacto. Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas, October 18 2010. Vincent Larivière
Gauvreau, Claude. Les doctorants, une force essentielle à la recherche. L’UQAM, Vol. XXXVI, No. 8, p. 6, January 11 2010. Vincent Larivière
Davis, Philip M. Does a Citation Advantage Exist for Mandated Open Access Articles?. The Scholarly Kitchen, January 7 2010. Vincent Larivière