Science Policy




Langues de diffusion des connaissances : quelle place reste-t-il pour le français?

This content is not available in the selected language. La croissance des évaluations basées sur le nombre de publications savantes dans bon nombre de pays1 , jumelée à la démocratisation des technologies numériques et au contrôle de l’édition savante par quelques compagnies privées2 , est associée à l’établissement d’une culture de la publication où les […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Research mobility to the united states: A bibliometric analysis.

This content is not available in the selected language. This paper provides a global picture of the research mobility to the United States between 2010 and 2020 with the aim of determining whether the election of Trump acted as an influential factor on this mobility. The United States has historically been a central destination for […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Mesure de la proportion de publication en libre accès au Canada, un portrait national

Over the past two decades, open access has gained prominence around the world. However, its adoption in Canada lags that of other countries. Using data from Dimensions and Érudit, this article provides an overview of open access dissemination in Canada, focusing on the effect of institutions, language, and funding. French-language papers and papers from Quebec […] Read more

News Events

La plateforme de diffusion de contenu scientifique francophone Érudit fête ses 25 ans

This content is not available in the selected language. La plateforme Érudit, dont Vincent Larivière est directeur scientifique a fêté en 2023 ses 25 ans.  D’abord projet pilote et pionnière dans son domaine, Érudit est devenu incontournable dans le paysage de la recherche au Canada. L’équipe derrière le projet a fait de la découvrabilité du […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

National differences in dissemination and use of open access literature

This content is not available in the selected language. Open Access (OA) dissemination has been gaining a lot of momentum over the last decade, thanks to the implementation of several OA policies by funders and institutions, as well as the development of several new platforms that facilitate the publication of OA content at low or […] Read more