Articles avec comité de lecture 2011
Larivière, V., Macaluso, B. (2011). Improving the coverage of social science and humanities researchers’ output: the case of the Érudit journal platform. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(12): 2437-2442.
Archambault, É., Larivière, V. (2011). Scientific publications and patenting by companies: a study of the whole population of Canadian firms over 25 years. Science and Public Policy, 38(4): 269-278.
Larivière, V., Gingras, Y. (2011). Averages of ratios vs. ratios of averages: an empirical analysis of four levels of aggregation. Journal of Informetrics, 5(3): 392-399.
Larivière, V., Vignola Gagné, E., Villeneuve, C., Gélinas, P., Gingras, Y. (2011). Sex Differences in Research Funding, Productivity, and Impact: An Analysis of Quebec University Professors. Scientometrics, 87(3): 483-498.
Haustein, S. & Siebenlist, T. (2011). Applying social bookmarking data to evaluate journal usage. Journal of Informetrics, 5(3), 446-457.