Enseignement supérieur | Page 3


COVID-19: Where is the data?

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has led many to argue that scholarly communication and publishing is undergoing a revolution, in terms of not only the wider opening of access to research, but also the data underlying it. In this post Julien Larrègue, Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Frédéric Lebaron, and Vincent Larivière, discuss findings from their study […] Lire la suite

Articles avec comité de lecture

Collection development in the era of big deals

Drawing on an original methodology using citations, downloads, and survey data, this paper analyses journal usage patterns across 28 Canadian universities. Results show that usage levels vary across disciplines, and that different academic platforms varied in their importance to different institutions, with for-profit platforms generally exhibiting lower usage. These results suggest economic inefficiencies exist in […] Lire la suite

Actualités Événements

Lancement de «Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA)» avec Vincent Larivière

C’est cet automne qu’a été lancé le projet Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) qui vise à interpeller les auteurs à rendre disponibles les résumés de leurs travaux (notamment par Crossref), à laquelle participe Vincent Larivière. I4OA a été créée afin de soutenir un libre accès au savoir en collaboration avec des revues, auteurs, bibliothécaires universitaires, chercheurs, […] Lire la suite

Articles avec comité de lecture

Exploring the personal and professional factors associated with student evaluations of tenure-track faculty

Tenure-track faculty members in the United States are evaluated on their performance in both research and teaching. In spite of accusations of bias and invalidity, student evaluations of teaching have dominated teaching evaluation at U.S. universities. However, studies on the topic have tended to be limited to particular institutional and disciplinary contexts. Moreover, in spite […] Lire la suite

Articles avec comité de lecture

The national system of researchers in Mexico: implications of publication incentives for researchers in social sciences

This article explores the effects of the Mexican National System of Researchers (SNI) on social science researchers’ scientific output and publication practices. SNI operates as a system of pecuniary bonuses for scientific activity; these are granted monthly and calculated according to a combination of an ex-post peer review with bibliometric assessment of researchers based on […] Lire la suite