Scientific Research | Page 3

Book Chapter

Parité de genre et genre de parité dans les revues québécoises.

This content is not available in the selected language. [Chapitre 13] Résumé du livre: Résolument multidisciplinaire, cet ouvrage cherche à mettre en lumière la pluralité des rôles qu’ont joués les revues culturelles, reconnues ou marginales, dans l’histoire du Québec. D’un certain « canon revuiste » à des périodiques qui, sans être de « petites revues » ou de « petites […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Task specialization and its effects on research careers

This content is not available in the selected language. Research careers are typically envisioned as a single path in which a scientist starts as a member of a team working under the guidance of one or more experienced scientists and, if they are successful, ends with the individual leading their own research group and training […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Classifications of science and their effects on bibliometric evaluations

This content is not available in the selected language. Disciplinary classification of science is essential to bibliometric analyses. Given the conceptual and technical difficulties in classifying individual papers into disciplines and specialties, most classifications systems are implemented at the journal level, which affects the classification of papers published in multidisciplinary journals. In order to investigate […] Read more


COVID-19: Where is the data?

This content is not available in the selected language. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has led many to argue that scholarly communication and publishing is undergoing a revolution, in terms of not only the wider opening of access to research, but also the data underlying it. In this post Julien Larrègue, Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Frédéric […] Read more

Newspapers & Blogs

Une année intense pour la recherche scientifique

This content is not available in the selected language. Le Devoir se penche sur l’année intense que la recherche scientifique a vécu avec l’arrivée de la pandémie de COVID-19. Vincent Larivière se prononce quant à lui sur l’essor de la science ouverte afin de mieux diffuser l’information scientifique. Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Collection development in the era of big deals

This content is not available in the selected language. Drawing on an original methodology using citations, downloads, and survey data, this paper analyses journal usage patterns across 28 Canadian universities. Results show that usage levels vary across disciplines, and that different academic platforms varied in their importance to different institutions, with for-profit platforms generally exhibiting […] Read more