Scientific Research | Page 5

Newspapers & Blogs

The coronavirus outbreak highlights serious deficiencies in scholarly communication

As research and government responses to the COVID-19 outbreak escalate in the face of a global public health crisis, Vincent Larivière, Fei Shu and Cassidy R. Sugimoto reflect on efforts to make research on this subject more widely available. Arguing that a narrow focus on research published in high ranking journals predominantly in English has impeded research efforts, they […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

On the institutional and intellectual division of labor in epigenetics research: A scientometric analysis

While numerous qualitative social scientific analyses of (environmental) epigenetics have been published, we still lack a macro-level, quantitative assessment of the field of epigenetics as a whole. This article is aimed at filling this gap. Mobilizing an extended version of the Web of Science, we constituted a corpus of 199,484 documents (articles, reviews, editorial material, […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Does the Web of Science Accurately Represent Chinese Scientific Performance?

This content is not available in the selected language. With the significant development of China’s economy and scientific activity, its scientific publication activity is experiencing a period of rapid growth. However, measuring China’s research output remains a challenge because Chinese scholars may publish their research in either international or national journals, yet no bibliometric database […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

The citation advantage of foreign language references for Chinese social science papers

This content is not available in the selected language. Contemporary scientific exchanges are international, yet language continues to be a persistent barrier to scientific communication, particularly for non-native English-speaking scholars. Since the ability to absorb knowledge has a strong impact on how researchers create new scientific knowledge, comprehensive access to and understanding of both domestic […] Read more

Peer-Reviewed Articles

On the development of China’s leadership in international collaborations

This content is not available in the selected language. This paper studies the relationship between leadership, team size, and citation impact in China’s international research output from 1980 to 2016, measured in terms of number of authors, institutions, countries, and citations. Distinction is here made between leading and non-leading Chinese international collaborations, which respectively refer […] Read more

Newspapers & Blogs

Quand les scientifiques se révoltent contre les géants de l’édition savante

This content is not available in the selected language. Vincent Larivière est cité dans cet article du quotidien Le Devoir au sujet de la démission en bloc du comité éditorial de la revue Journal of Informetrics, dont il fait partie, et de la création de la revue en libre accès Quatitatives Sciences Studies (QSS). Read more


Mesurer la science

This content is not available in the selected language. L’ensemble de la communauté scientifique réclame depuis plusieurs années des indicateurs fiables permettant de mesurer les répercussions de la recherche. La ferveur inégalée autour de la mesure de l’influence de la recherche, combinée avec les nouveaux modes de diffusion des connaissances à l’ère numérique, a révolu­tionné […] Read more

News Events

Lancement de la revue en libre accès Quantitative Science Studies (QSS)

This content is not available in the selected language. À la suite de la démission du comité éditorial du Journal of Informetrics en raison de plusieurs insatisfactions envers l’éditeur Elsevier à l’égard de ses politiques et actions entourant le libre accès  (notamment le refus de participer à l’Initiative for Open Citation), la revue Quantitative Science Studies (QSS) […] Read more